how much ashwagandha for sleep
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How Much Ashwagandha to Use for Sleep – All You Need to Know, Advice & More

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The Indian herb, Ashwagandha, has traditionally been used to help sleep, especially in times of anxiety and stress. 

If you’re someone who plans to take Ashwagandha for the same purpose, it is important to know how much dosage of the herb is safe to take at one time.

Let’s take a look at how much Ashwagandha is needed for sleep.

Quick Summary

By the end of this article, we will take a look at:

  • Ashwagandha as an aid for sleep
  • Ashwagandha compared to other sleep aids
  • How much Ashwagandha is needed for sleep

Let’s go through it.

Ashwagandha as an Aid for Sleep

We researched and found that Ashwagandha helps provide a person with a better quality of sleep. This means that users of Ashwagandha can sleep faster and for a longer period of time.

The compounds that makeup Ashwagandha, promote sleep and bring about natural sleepiness. It is also proposed that Ashwagandha acts on receptors important for sleep.

So how does Ashwagandha actually work? 

Stress is seen as a cause of a poor sleep cycle where the person sometimes sleeps in the day rather than at night. As ashwagandha reduces stress, it can help fix the sleep cycle of the user.

If you consume Ashwagandha before you go to bed at night, you are likely to fall asleep much more quickly and stress-free.

Ashwagandha Compared to Other Sleep Aids

Ashwagandha, along with passionflower and valerian, has been the most promising herbal remedies in the case of insomnia, after a review of other remedies as well.

However, research on the benefits and side effects of Ashwagandha is lacking, as is the case with most remedies. Therefore, it is difficult to really judge the effectiveness of Ashwagandha.

So, are there any side effects of Ashwagandha?

All types of sleep aids have their share of negative and positive side effects, whether they are natural or over-the-counter prescriptions. You need to understand what works best for you.

In order to understand this, you could consult a medical specialist such as a doctor. The doctor can help guide you better and provide you with better tips to help you sleep.

A doctor can also get you the right treatment plans and prescriptions that can help solve your insomnia disorder.

Use of Ashwagandha for Sleep

The steps to use Ashwagandha for a healthy sleep cycle can vary according to the product you purchase as Ashwagandha can come in various forms.

What are the different forms of Ashwagandha? 

Ashwagandha comes in several forms including: 

  • Tea
  • Capsules
  • Powder
  • Ashwagandha extract 
  • Gummies 

However, the correct dosage of herbal supplements is under debate as much research is still required on the effectiveness of Ashwagandha.

The effectiveness of the herb is also affected by the fact it contains multiple compounds. It is possible some of these compounds may not be listed for safety and health.

Due to this, you need to get the supply from a trusted supplier or doctor. A reliable supplier ensures you have the supplements that cater to your needs.

Note: If you want to gain information about How to Make Ashwagandha Oil at Home click HERE.

So, how much Ashwagandha can I consume on average?

With this in mind, the typical dosage of Ashwagandha for help in sleep is mostly between 250mg and 600 mg.

Quick Advice: We wouldn’t suggest you use Ashwagandha to sleep consecutively for more than three months. This is because this can have more negative side effects than positive.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What time should I take ashwagandha for sleep?

The effects of the herb consumption can vary from person to person, as well as on the dose. However, consuming Ashwagandha at least half an hour before you go to sleep, especially in capsule form, should be enough for it to take effect and work into your system.

How much ashwagandha should I take for relaxation?

It is believed that Ashwagandha brings relaxation and helps lower stress. To utilize the benefits properly, it has been noted that the dosages of somewhere from 500mg to 600mg taken every day for at least a month are good enough.

Note: If you want to learn about How to Use Ashwagandha for Diabetes click HERE.

Can you take melatonin and ashwagandha together?

You need to consult a medical specialist as even though a relationship between the two has been observed, it does not mean a relationship does not exist.

Can ashwagandha keep you awake at night?

Ashwagandha is said to improve the sleep quality of the user and is believed to help against insomnia disorder. This is because the compounds found in this herb induce sleep. Thus, Ashwagandha does not keep you awake at night.

Can you overdose on ashwagandha?

Yes, you can overdose on Ashwagandha. This is when the gastrointestinal tracts can get too much of the herb, which can upset the stomach, induce nausea and cause diarrhea. 

How quickly does ashwagandha work for anxiety?

It is quite possible for Ashwagandha to take effect against anxiety within two weeks of the start of the cycle if it is used along with a healthy lifestyle.

However, if you do not have a healthy lifestyle, it can take months for you to even notice any changes in your anxiety levels.

Note: If you want to gain complete tips and guides about Ashwagandha click HERE.

Can ashwagandha make you anxious?

If you use Ashwagandha, it is quite possible for you to do more harm than good to your body. It is possible that Ashwagandha might increase your thyroid hormone levels which can increase fatigue, anxiety, breathing problems, and a number of other problems.

Which is better for anxiety, magnesium or ashwagandha?

Magnesium has given positive responses to stress and anxiety and has reduced most sleep disorders. Ashwagandha is a herb used for the management of cortisol levels that are increased by the high-stress levels.

Can I take ashwagandha and omega 3 together?

Yes, you can take both Ashwagandha and Omega 3 together. However, you do have to have a gap in between their consumption.

Can I take ashwagandha with multivitamins?

Ashwagandha has traditionally been used to help against stress and anxiety as is the nature of its compounds. 

When you take Ashwagandha with multivitamins, you can improve much more. By doing this, most of the needs of your body and health requirements can be met. Consequently, your overall mood and physical activity can improve.

Note: If you want to know more about Ashwagandha we have a complete guide click HERE.

How Much Ashwagandha for Sleep – Conclusion

As believed, Ashwagandha is one of the ideal supplements to help you against any forms of stress and anxiety because it is made up of various compounds that help you.

These compounds particularly help you sleep because they reduce forms of stress, eventually improving your sleep cycle.

However, it is important for you to know more about its use and side effects before you start to take it, even though Ashwagandha is regarded as one of the most promising herbal supplements.

For this, you need to consult doctors and healthcare providers that can better guide you and provide you with a better treatment plan to help you sleep in case you have insomnia.

If you want to learn how can you care of your body and mind click HERE.